- so sleepy, goodnight!
- Japanese coffee style at now. it was too many chain shop. example to Starbucks and DOUTOR and more.#coffee
- 世界の人が知らなくていいようなことをつぶやいてみるなど。
- KISSATEN was showa style coffee shop. it was variety menu. coffee and tea, pasta, toast, juice, CHA(Japanese tea), and more.#coffee
- Japanese coffee shop, it classical style was called KISSATEN.#coffee
- ミルは手回し式のを使ってますよ。飲むごとに挽いてます。@SpecialtyHunter ミルはお使いですか?
- Tokyo was TSUYU(rainy season). This year is cold. and it came to early. Maybe more typhoon coming than every year.
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