
  1. I love coffee! It's very very good taste, and good fragrance! (I have a cold, and have fever)
  2. I listen to "Daishoya" ("Acting work for resume writing" on Rakugo).
  3. Hmm, I have fever and headache. brain work was very slowly.
  4. everyday HIGH becquerel! at kashiwa
  5. "This is a pen." that sentence was used to famous comedian Chu Arai(ex,Drifters). It was used at 1980's TV show "It's 8:00! All collections"
  6. now listen Mariko ooe's moyamoya-talk podcast.
  7. I has a cold. I got any stuff. energy drink, vitamin c tablet, kakkon-tou(Yu puerariae radix).heating NOW!

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