- 12:57 twitpic.com/5ery8 - The protesters first track - Marijuana March'09, Omote-sando Tokyo, May 17 #
- 12:58 twitpic.com/5es0s - Protesters - Marijuana March'09, Omote-sando Tokyo, May 17 #
- 12:59 twitpic.com/5es2i - "Free cannabis" - Marijuana March'09, Omote-sando Tokyo, May 17 #
- 12:59 twitpic.com/5es2t - "Call for a review of drug policy!" - Marijuana March'09, Omote-sando Tokyo, May 17 #
- 13:00 twitpic.com/5es51 - &! quot;Drug regulation is failing!" - Marijuana March'09, Omote-sando Tokyo, May 17 #
- 13:03 twitpic.com/5esbr - "Country can not talk properly because of prejudice, Japan." - Marijuana March'09, Omote-sando Tokyo, May 17 #
- 13:03 twitpic.com/5esc3 - The protesters second track "DECRIMINALIZE" - Marijuana March'09, Omote-sando Tokyo, May 17 #
- 13:04 twitpic.com/5esdn - The protesters track DJ tent - Marijuana March'09, Omote-sando Tokyo, May 17 #
- 13:05 twitpic.com/5esfj - "Do not arrest! ed because of marijuana!" - Marijuana March'09, Omote-san! do Tokyo, May 17 #